Clause 1
This code has as its object the exposition of the rights and duties of the environmental hiking guides, in the pursuit of the profession of environmental hiking guide, even if carried out in a non-exclusive and non-continuative way.
 Part I: The skills of the guide
Clause 2
The guides illustrate all the naturalistic aspects, both of the suburban and urban areas, which are part of the chosen itinerary, accompanying individuals or groups visiting all over the territory, assuring the necessary technical assistance and excluding, however, the use of mountaineering techniques.
Clause 3
The activity can also be carried out in different ways and with different means, such as educational methodologies and techniques, foreign languages, horses, mountain biking, cycling, canoeing, swimming, scuba diving and so on. It’s possible to collaborate and involve other professionals, after agreement with them and after this new approach has been approved by law.
Clause 4
The hiking environmental Guide carries out the following activities:
He collaborates with the school institutions by supporting teaching initiatives and environmental education programs, with interventions aimed at both the teachers themselves and the students.
It accompanies on a visit to single ecosystems, also urban, illustrating its characteristics;
Accompanies visiting in caves, mining galleries and so on;
It accompanies visiting museums, exhibitions and other exhibition structures illustrating the elements of naturalistic or ethnic features;
It organizes meetings and courses in class where it teaches the hiking techniques focusing on the environmental education;
It identifies and realizes the didactic pathways and the signalling networks and the relative signs
and posters and contributes to the maintenance of the same, even in urban environments, according to their professional skills.
Collaborate, with the people in charge or interested, in all those activities that involve environmental and technical knowledge;
He organizes and participates to useful meetings, in order to illustrate and promote both his job and the landscape.
Part II: Professional duty
Clause 5
The guide must always guarantee a high quality of professional performances.
Clause 6
The guide has the duty, to keep up to date with regard to both the technical and cultural aspects and in particular with regard to the educational aspects. He has to maintain the necessary physical condition and to use adequate equipment.
Clause 7
The guide must exercise his professional activity in compliance with the laws regulating both the profession and the working world.
Clause 8
The guide with a professional qualification regulated by a national, regional or autonomous Province of Trento and Bolzano can carry out its activity on the whole territory of the E.U. while outside this area must comply with the Local provisions regulating the exercise of his profession; The guide that carries out its activity without a professional qualification cannot carry out its activity in an area where a law requires a professional qualification concerning its specific activity.
Clause 9
The guide must cooperate with the colleagues of the A.I.G.A.E., and report, when possible,
the cases in which the performance of this activity is carried out improperly or illegally or not responding to the Professional ethics.
Clause 10
 The guide must adopt a behaviour based on the cooperation with those who act or move on the territory:
It must cooperate with the environmental protection agencies and the civil defence;
It must warn of situations of danger or of situations that could damage other people.                    Â
He must give the information necessary to the safety of other people;
He must contribute to respect the environment and populations.
Clause 11
The guide must comply with the provisions of this Code of ethics whenever and wherever he carries out his activity.
Clause 12
The guide is required to have a continuous and constant professional updating.
Part III: Safety and rescue
Clause 13
Guaranteeing security does not mean intervening after an accident happened, but making sure that the accident does not happen.
That said, the guide must never put or hold in a situation of danger his customers.
Clause 14
The guide can never predict all the risks, nor guarantee the customer absolute safety;
However he must use wisdom, expertise and prudence in assessing environmental conditions, human capacities, means and equipment.
Clause 15
The guide must provide help and assistance to his customers, in all cases of necessity, within its competences and an area of action that requires skills and preparation provided by its professional profile.
Clause 16
The main objective of the Guide is to limit the possibility of damage and danger for those who are with him and. Moreover, if necessary, in case of accidents or danger he is required to call as soon as possible a specialized rescue.
Clause  17
 The guide must have the ability to move safely on the ground up to a difficulty of the second degree of the UIAA scale and must always carry with them the necessary first aid kit.
 Clause 18
The guide must be able to assess the situation and choose the priority action considering both the safety of the group and that of the individual itself. Obviously he must not endanger himself too.
Clause 19
The guide must intervene in case of need for help or assistance to those people who are not with him only if the situation doesn’t comprome the safety of his customers.