Professional profile.
 It is an environmental excursion guide or naturalistic guide who, for professional activity, accompanies in safety, on foot or with other means of locomotion individuals or groups in Natural environments, even snow-covered, assuring also the necessary technical assistance and carrying out activities of didactics, education, interpretation and environmental diffusion and education to sustainability. The professional activity of the Environmental Hiking Guide includes the description, explanation and illustration of the environmental, naturalistic, anthropological and cultural aspects of the territory with scientific and cultural connotations, guiding people through mountainous, hilly, plain and aquatic environments, including parks and protected areas. We aim both at illustrating the elements, the features, the ecological relations, the historical connections, the cultural traditions, the landscape attractions, and at teaching sustainability.
Our job is also about planning and carrying out laboratories and educational initiatives.
All the activities and paths that require the use of equipment and mountaineering techniques, such as rope, axe and crampons are excluded.
- Specializations. The Environmental excursion Guide can specialize in one of the fields mentioned in the National Training Plan of Aigae:
- a) Bicycle touring;
- b) Mountain biking and off-road cycling;
- c) Horse riding;
- d) Aquatic tourism (canoeing, kayaking, etc),
- e) Underwater tourism, to accompany scuba divers and diving after providing them information on the underwater site and its characteristics;
- f) Animal tourism to accompany with the aid of pack animals (pack mules);
- g) Environmental interpretation, acquiring the specialization of environmental interpreter.
Further specializations may be added to the following list and each specialization can be acquired as a result of specific training courses or completion or enrichment of the training course of hiking environmental guide, according to the plan of training aigae.